Get the patients for your practice

Reach the largest group of patients searching for care online.

Get Started

Create your free imedsLife profile in 3 simple steps


Register yourself on imedsLife

Enter your name, email id, mobile number and clinic or establishment name.


Add your profile information

Fill details about you and your practice including your medical registration, fees, timings and more.


Help us verify your detailss

Complete our a simple verification process online, and go live!

Create Your Profile

Learn why Doctors love imedsLife

imedsLife is where patients finds trusted doctors online

Join the largest

patient marketplace

Showcase your practice to the millions of people searching for care on imedsLife


How imedsLife works for patients

it’s easy, it’s a website and app patients seamlessly search for doctors


First, patients search for doctors

You appear based on the symptoms or specialty selected by the patient


Then they book an open time slot

imedsLife helps you to plan your availability real-time and integrating with your calendar


You get an appointment notification to agree to disagree

You receive all the information you need online before the appointment


Appointment reminders are automatically sent out

Your and patients are ready for the appointment on time


We ask them to rate and review their experience

Only patients who meet you can leave a review and more reviews mean more bookings


Download the iMedsLife app

Access video consultation with India’s top doctors on the
iMeds app. Connect with doctors online, available 24/7, from
the comfort of your home.

Get the link to download the app
